GSID lecture&seminar


In the 2017 Spring semester, we have two seminar schedules.

1. Tuesday, 13:00-14:30

  • reading: Terry Lynn Karl. 1997. 1997. The Paradox of Plenty: Oil Booms and Petro-States. Berkeley: University of California.

2. Thursday, 16:30-18:00

  • participants’ presentation

Politics in Developing Countries (Spring semester)

This class has two purposes:

  1. to understand principal theoretical concepts in political analysis
  2. to understand the comparative methods as analytical tools

Please go to Games for pedagogical use in political science for some materials used in the first half of this class.

Development Politics II (Fall semester)

This course aims at arguing one of the most important aspects of development politics: institution. Recently institution has been widely employed by many social scientists as the concept that occupies the center of analysis. In this course, we will address the puzzle of collective action and then discuss how institution has become one of the fundamental perspectives to understand political processes and policy outcomes. We will also review both classical and recent works on State Building, so as to comprehend and critically discuss the most recent development of theories. All participants are required to read the designated course materials in advance, and actively participate in the discussion.

Materials of recent years have been as follows.

  • Peter A. Hall and Rosemary C. R. Taylor. 1996. “Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms.” Political Studies 44, pp.936-957
  • Olli Hellmann. 2014. “Electoral Reform in Asia: Institutional Engineering against ‘Money Politics’” Japanese Journal of Political Science 15, pp.275-298
  • Karen Remmer. 2008. “The Politics of Institutional Change: Electoral Reform in Latin America, 1978-2002.” Party Politics 14 (5), pp.5-30
  • Elinor Ostrom. 1990. Governing the Commons: the Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Barbara Geddes. 1994. Politician’s Dilemma: Building State Capacity in Latin America. Berkeley: University of California Press
  • Charles Tilly. 1985. “War Making and State Making as Organized Crime” In Peter Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer and Theda Skocpol (eds.) Bringing the State Back In. Cambridge U.P., pp.169-191
  •  Ryan Saylor. 2014. State Building in Boom Times: Commodities and Coalitions in Latin America and Africa. Oxford U.P.
  • Marcus J. Kurtz. 2009. “Social Foundations of Institutional Order: Reconsidering War and “Resource Curse” in Third World State Building.” Politics & Society 37 (4), pp.479-520
  • Douglass C. North, John Joseph Wallis, Steven B. Webb, and Barry R. Weingast (eds.). 2013. In the Shadow of Violence: Politics, Economics and the Problems of development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  •  V. Lowndes and M. Roberts. 2013. Why Institutions Matter. Palgrave Macmillan