International Workshop: Resource Politics in Asia and Latin America

Politics over resources, such as oil, gas, and minerals, have become an essential part of life in many developing countries, not only for policymakers but also for citizens. Extensive revenue from its production creates incentives for new and old political actors to coalesce and contest for turning policies in their favor, while external negativities provoke questions on its sustainability in economic, environmental, and social terms. The most recent commodity price boom during 2003-2013 intensified this dynamic in many countries, including the rapid change in the direction of national politics in some cases where extractivism became the dominant source of state revenues. 

This workshop aims at opening a discussion about this common issue, and broadening our analytical scope through comparative perspectives based on the richness in the context-dependent analysis from the cases of Asia and Latin America. We also like to connect people from different background to advance theory construction in this issue area.

A special seminar session for the graduate students of GSID, Nagoya University, is programmed for the second day.

  • Date: Oct 11, Fri – Oct 12, Sat
  • Venue: Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
  • (Middle-sized Meeting Room, 3nd floor of the Inamori Foundation Building)

Host organizer: Isamu Okada (

Oct 11, Fri 

13:00-13:10 Welcome Speech

13:10-13:40 Jewellord Nem Singh (Leiden University): State Ownership in Latin America’s Oil and Mining: Politics, Agency and Reform  

13:40-14:10 Aki Sakaguchi (IDE-JETRO): Swing of Oil Policies and Performance of the Oil Industry in Venezuela

14:10-14:40 Isamu Okada (Nagoya University): State, private, and cooperative miners: How informalization evolved in Bolivian mining sector

14:40-15:00 Discussion

15:00-15:15 Break

15:15-15:45 Julie de los Reyes (CSEAS, Kyoto University): The rush for gold: Mineral investments and geography under finance

15:45-16:15 Akiko Morishita (Ritsumeikan University): Resource Politics in decentralized Indonesia: the complex interaction between global, national and local actors

16:15-16:45 Kei Kurushima (University of Tokyo): Recentralization through decentralization – national forest governance in Thailand

16:45-17:15 Discussion

Oct 12, Sat   Nagoya University special seminar session

10:50-11:30 Karl Gerrard See (Nagoya University): Olongapo and Okinawa: A Closer Look at Two Base Towns

11:30-12:10 Marjorie D. Resuello (Nagoya University): Local Economic Development and Disaster Risks in the Philippines

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