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講演者:木村宏恒 名古屋大学名誉教授
日時:2018年5月10日 18:30~20:10 (図書販売18:00~18:30)


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2017 Annual Party in Tokyo, GSID Alumni Association, Nagoya University (GSID-NUAL) 17 December

Dear GSID members,

On behalf of GSID-NUAL and its executive committee, it is my great pleasure to announce to hold the annual party in 2017. I hope plenty of alumni will join it. We organize the party at Nagoya and Tokyo every other year. It is good opportunity to develop our global alumni network. See you soon.

20 November 2017

Professor Masato Noda
President, GSID Alumni Association, Nagoya University (GSID-NUAL)

Date and time: 17 December 2017, 12:00-15:00
Venue: Le Veson Verre Tokyo, Komaba in Komaba Campus of The University of Tokyo http://leversonverre-tokyo.com/restaurant/komaba/
Access: Komaba Todai-mae, Keio Inokashira line.
Fee: 6000JPY *Please remit the fee to the bank account in advance. We will let you the account info when you contact us.
Due date of registration and payment: 7 December 2017 (Thu) 16:00. On a first-come first-served basis up to 20 alumni.

Registration format:
Please email to alumni@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp
1. Full Name
2. Degree, major and year of entrance
Eg. MA, DID, 2010

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GSID-NUAL Grant Program – GSID同窓会助成事業

Dear GSID students and alumni,

The Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University Alumni Association (here after GSID-NUAL) was established with the goal of linking the alumni and current students while building a network of the global professional GSID-NUAL. In this regard, we are committed to starting a “GSID-NUAL Grant Program” to support GSID students’ multidisciplinary research ,social activities and alumni development activities by making use of the association fee collected from the members. Among the applications made, we will nominate a project (s).

Application deadline is October 6 (Friday), 2017. Please contact alumni@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp for details. We look forward to receiving many applications.

Sincerely yours,

GSID 学生、同窓生の皆様、




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GSID Alumni Directory was sent out

GSID Alumni Directory was sent out by email on August 22, 2017. Please let us know if you have not received it. Here is the message from Prof. Noda, President of GSID Alumni Association.

Dear GSID Alumni

It is our great pleasure to share information of our members around the world. As I stared my presidency last year, I have actively committed to GSID Alumni activities; for example, I visited GSID Alumni Cambodia and organized GSID Alumni Tokyo. With vice presidents, Professor Shimada and Professor Ushida and other members, I would like to promote sustainable development of our GSID Alumni global network. We are very much happy to support the voluntary activities of alumni around the world. We will start a small grant funding for the alumni activities. We are also happy to organize ad-hoc reunion either in Japan or overseas. When you will come back to Japan, please inform us and when will visit your countries, we will inform you. On line. we started up the direct link from GSID home page to the GSID Alumni page. We are planning to make the link from voluntary GSID Alumni SNS pages and groups to the official page.
For the residents in Japan, we will organize the annual party on 21 October in Tokyo for this year. I am looking forward to seeing you at the party and/or somewhere in the world. Please stay in touch with our alma mater.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Masato Noda
GSID Alumni- Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Alumni Association(GSID-NUAL)

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1st Meeting of New Leaders of GSID Alumni Association on February 22, 2017

February 22, 2017

The new leaders of GSID Alumni Association had a meeting with the newly selected dean and vice deans of GSID. Participants exchanged ideas about future of GSID and the alumini association activities.

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Message from Prof. Masato Noda, The Newly Selected President of GSID Alumni Association

Dear GSID Alumni Association Members,

We are pleased to announce a new leadership of GSID Alumni Association selected on Homecoming Day of Nagoya University (Oct.15, 2016).

Please find mesasge from Prof. Masato Noda, The President of GSID Alumni Association below.

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Presentation by Winner of 2015 GSID Alumni Association Student Grant Program

We are pleased to have Ms. SOLATRE, MARICEL POBLETE, the Winner of 2015 GSID Alumni Association Student Grant Program to present her research findings on Homecoming Day of Nagoya University, Oct.15, 2106.

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Winner of 2016 GSID Alumni Association Student Grant Program

Congratulations to Ms. Mayumi Kajiura, who got the 2016 GSID Alumni Association Student Grant on Oct.15, 2016. Ms. Kajiura is affiliated to Department of International Communication of GSID.


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Opening for GSID Alumni Association Student Grant Program (AY2016)



Dear GSID Alumni Members,

The GSID Alumni Association was established with the goal of linking the graduates and current students while building a network among the global professional GSID alumni. In this regard, we are committed to start a “GSID Alumni Association Grant Program” to support GSID students’ multidisciplinary research and social activities by making use of the association fee collected from the members. Among the applications made, we will nominate a project (s).


Application deadline for AY 2016 is September 30, 2016. We look forward to receive many applications.


Word: 平成28年度GSID同窓会学生助成事業の募集要項

PDF: 平成28年度GSID同窓会学生助成事業の募集要項

Application guide and application form

Word: 2016 GSID Alumni Association Student Grant Program

PDF: 2016 GSID Alumni Association Student Grant Program




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Update: GSID’s Silver Jubilee Commemorative International Symposium and Reception (July 29, 13:30-18:00)

GSID’s Silver Jubilee Commemorative International Symposium:
Let’s join the reception as well. Show GSID spirits!

GSID25_Poster_Web_ページ_1 GSID25_Poster_Web_ページ_2 20160619 Alumni Party poster

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