Category Archives: 未分類

Call for Panelists (16 October 2021)

Dear members of GSID Alumni Association, Nagoya University At first, we would like to show our sympathy to our alumni in Afghanistan, Myanmar, and all who are suffering. GSID Alumni Association will call for panelists for the online seminar on Afghanistan and Myanmar for the Homecoming Day on 16 October 2021 (see below). We highly appreciate any alumni who are familiar with those countries and their issues and challenges. We also welcome the recommendations of relevant panelists. For the details, please email to our secretariat: We are looking forward to hearing from you. Stay safe and stay in touch. Best regards,Executive Board, GSID Alumni Association, Nagoya University GSID Alumni … Continue reading

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Dear GSID Alumni in Afghanistan

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Dear GSID Alumni in Myanmar

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GSID-NUAL Grant Program 2021 / 助成事業の募集(2021年度)

GSID Alumni Association Grant Program Call for Application (AY2021) The Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University Alumni Association (here after GSID-NUAL) was established with the goal of linking the alumni and current students while building a network of the global professional GSID-NUAL. In this regard, we are committed to starting a “GSID-NUAL Grant Program” to support GSID students’ multidisciplinary research, social activities and alumni development activities by making use of the association donation collected from the members. Among the applications made, we will nominate a project (s). Please let us know at if you are interested in it. We will send you the application form. Application deadline is … Continue reading

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Special Online Event for Homecoming Day 2021

Details will be announced soon!

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Congratulations on your graduation!

We would like to welcome new members to the GSID Alumni Association! We are very happy to share in the excitement of your graduation day, and very proud of you, too!! Thank you to those who donated. The following is a list of donors. Andi Sahriani Safitri ANDO TakuroBALLESTEROS Marie Donna MontesaCHAROENSILP PimmadaCHIKHWAZA AlinafeDJAHOUA Ayegbe Jean-Noel DOS SANTOS EligitoDUMALAOG Millicent GarciaESTRELLADO Emmanuel Libo OnGUO ShihuiHARMITA DiniHERNANDEZ GARAY Esteban EnriqueHsann Htet Htet Thet LwinISHIBA NaomiKARATA Rehema MussaKATAYAMA TomokoKHUMVONGSA NaphatsornLAVEMAAU Lavinia Langi SiailaMIRANTI Ragdad CaniMOK SophalikaMOTOMORI MioriMUNKHBAYAR EnkhtsogtMUSSA Sultane De Isabel SulemaneNwaye Ei Khing PhyuPANTHI PradeepPHUNG Linh ThuyRAHOLISOA OllynaRAMIANDRISOATIANA Imbolason AugustinRAWAT Sharmishtha SinghRONG TengchunSAMBO Manuel FranciscoSANG YUM Maria KoretiSANTOS MARQUEZ Juan FelipeSONG … Continue reading

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Dear new graduates 修了生の皆様へ

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Thank you for joining us!

We held the GSID Alumni Association Global Online Meeting on October 17, 2020. Thank you very much for joining us!!

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Reminder) GSID Alumni Association Global Online Meeting 2020

This is a friendly reminder of the GSID Alumni Association Global Online Meeting on October 17, 2020. We are happy to introduce one more panelist, Dr. Farkhanda Shamim, Assistant Program Head of Business, University of Guelph Humber, Toronto, Canada. She will talk about the impact of COVID-19 on SMEs and how the Canadian government and financial institutions support them during this strange time. [Registration] * Priority for GSID Alumni, current students, and faculty members. * The Zoom Meeting URL will be delivered by mail after registration. We will also hold the General assembly of the association and an online party after the meeting. We look forward to seeing you … Continue reading

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GSID Alumni Association Global Online Meeting 2020

It is our great pleasure to announce the GSID Alumni Association Global Online Meeting for the Home Coming Day 2020 of Nagoya University. Distinguished alumni from five continents will be panelists. Stay safe and join us! [Registration] :* Priority for GSID Alumni, current students, and faculty members.* The Zoom Meeting URL will be delivered by mail after registration. We will also hold the General assembly of the association and an online party after the meeting.

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