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GSID Alumni Association Global Online Meeting 2020

It is our great pleasure to announce the GSID Alumni Association Global Online Meeting for the Home Coming Day 2020 of Nagoya University. Distinguished alumni from five continents will be panelists. Stay safe and join us! [Registration] :* Priority for GSID Alumni, current students, and faculty members.* The Zoom Meeting URL will be delivered by mail after registration. We will also hold the General assembly of the association and an online party after the meeting.

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Congratulation on your graduation!

We would like to welcome new members to the GSID Alumni Association! We are very happy to share in the excitement of your graduation day, and very proud of you, too!! Thank you for those who donated. The following is a list of donors. CHEN Biqiang (陳碧強) TIPAYALAI Katikar PRATIWI Tri Wisnuasih GUNAWAN Anang Budi We also received the following message from Mr. CHEN Biqiang to GSID students. “Enjoy reading, Enjoy thinking, and Enjoy studying!”

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Congratulation on your graduation!

We would like to welcome new members to GSID Alumni Association. Thank you for those who donated to this Association. The following is the list of donors. ATMAJA Dimas Erwan 小原 美空 OLIFIRENKO Alla 賀 汀 GUIRRUNGO Lino Antonio KULRAKAMPUSIRI Napacharapat SIE Kouakou Jean Fidele TAMELE Nelson Armando Comeio CHAI An Hao CHODEN Dechen ZHAO Yiran TIMIPERE ALLISON Faith Ejiroghene NARAYAN Simon Shiri Sat PURNAMASARI Suzan VISISOMBATH Ngeun 水谷 文 向出 洋祐 METHISGE Ann Sudarshani Dabarera MOREI Eve Hida 余 楽丹 高野 寿一 SALCEDO Sanchez Veronica Nelva ALLISON Timipere Felix 2 anonymous We are looking forward to working together. Thank you again!!

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GSID Alumni Association, Thailand Chapter was launched

2019年11月23日(土)、大学院国際開発研究科同窓会タイ支部がタイ王国チュラーロンコーン大学政治学部で立ち上げられました。名古屋大学全学同窓会タイ国支部長、アピナン スプラサート氏をはじめ、国際開発研究科からは研究科長の山形英郎教授、岡田亜弥教授、内海悠二准教授およびカンピラパーブ スネート講師、そして、GSID現役大学院生、タイにいる多くのGSID修了生が参加しました。GSID同窓会タイ支部の役員は会長のDr. Phakpoom TIPPAKOON、Dr. Waranya ATCHARIYACHANVANICH、Dr. Panisa VISHUPHONG、Dr. Supawat SUKHAPARAMATEおよびMr. Sarun PRAVITRANGULがつとめることになりました。任期は1年間、2020年1月1日から12月31日までです。 GSID Alumni Association, Thailand Chapter was launched on 23 November 2019 (Sat) at Political Science Alumni Room, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University. Among witnesses, Prof. YAMAGATA Hideo, Dean of GSID, Dr. Aya OKADA, Dr. Yuji UTSUMI, and Prof. Sunate KAMPEERAPARB are faculty members from GSID. Current GSID students and many of GSID alumni in Thailand also joined this auspicious occasion. We were grateful to have Dr. Apinun SUPRASERT, President of Nagoya University Alumni Association Thailand Branch as our guest. Board members of the newly established Thailand Chapter consist of Dr. Phakpoom TIPPAKOON as a President, Dr. Waranya ATCHARIYACHANVANICH, … Continue reading

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The winner of Grant Program 2019

Congratulations! The winner of Grant Program 2019 is Dr. Mario Joyo Aguja! Title: Conference on Good Governance, Local Economic Development, and Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) in the Southern Philippines

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Report of Grant Program 2018

Ms. RESUELLO Marjorie D. had a poster presentation on Grant program 2018, “Local Economic Development (LED) as Transformational Politics in the Philippines” on Home Coming Day, October 19, 2019. Good work!

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Congratulations on your graduation!

GSID Alumni Association is happy to welcome you all. The following list shows those who contributed us on Graduation Day. We would like to express our best appreciation. Thank you so much for your support! Vidavong Chanhphasouk

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Coming soon! GSID Alumni Annual Party 2019 and Home Coming Day Event

Dear GSID friends Please save the schedule. On 19 October, our GSID Alumni Association, Nagoya University will have an Annual Party in cooperation with the Home Coming Day Event as below. Outstanding alumni from the world will be invited by GSID for the  Career Salon: Working for International Organizations. The detail will be updated. Current faculty members and students are welcome as well as alumni. Wish to see you and enjoy the party soon. Best regards, 20 September 2019 Masato Noda President of GSID Alumni Association, Nagoya University. 1) GSID Alumni Annual Party *in cooperation with GSID HCD event Date and time: 19 October 2019 (Sat), 16:30~18:00 Venue: GSID 1st … Continue reading

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Call for Application of GSID Grant Program 2019

Dear GSID members, The Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University Alumni Association (hereafter GSID-NUAL) was established with the goal of linking the alumni and current students while building a network of the global professional GSID-NUAL. In this regard, we are committed to starting a “GSID-NUAL Grant Program” to support GSID students’ multidisciplinary research, social activities and alumni development activities by making use of the association donation collected from the members. Among the applications made, we will nominate a project (s). Please email if you are interested in it. We will send the application form. The application deadline is 30 September 2019. We look forward to receiving many applications. … Continue reading

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Announcement of Annual Party

Dear GSID Alumni Our annual party will be scheduled on 19 October 2019, Saturday in Tokyo for this year. Please save your date. Executive Board GSID Alumni Association, Nagoya University (GSID-NUAL)

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