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Fall 2022: Congratulations on your graduation!
We would like to welcome new members to the GSID Alumni Association! We are very happy to share the excitement of your graduation day and we are very proud of you! Thank you to those who donated. ARMAH Samuel Otokunor TOKOLI Peter Narh PERERA Weerakkodi Arachchige Waruni CHIN Sam Ath Al Muizzuddin Fazaalloh Yulia Windarti OJEDA ECHEVERRIA Jose Mauricio We received the following comments from the new graduates: Go go, GSID! This is Mauricio Ojeda from Mexico, but living in Japan. I work as a canned food importer. I am proud to be GSID alumni. I am very happy to join this family. Thank you very much.
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Spring 2022: Congratulations on your graduation!
We would like to welcome new members to the GSID Alumni Association! We are very happy to share the excitement of your graduation day and very proud of you!! Thank you to those who donated.The following is a list of donors (in alphabetical order). BASNET Abhishek SinghBATSUKH GanbolorBONGAPAT Gladys FusinganBONIEL Irose Mae GarbeDA SILVA FERREIR Michel PatrikFLORES SALAZAR Gabriel AlejandroHIBINO NaoHIGASHIZUME ShioriISHIDA RyotaJIN JingJINKAWA TaisukeKIMURA YukaKOBAYASHI MikiKOKUBUN RikaKUMAZAKI MoriLI HongyuLI YanqiuMALUNGA BernardMuhammad Kamal Bin ZulkifleNIANGUE Josephine AndreaOSHIMA FukaPHOMMACHANH NilaphyREYNANCIA Yasmin NeoSHIRAI HirohisaSIEW Sook Yan SUWATSIRIPON Wanthip TANTAPONG NitchanunTONGA Pita SetiTRINH Thi ChungTSUKAMOTO RyoTUIWAWA Emmilia VuliZHENG HuaZHOU Chang We also received the following messages! “Looking forward to joining the network and … Continue reading
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Thank you for joining us!!
We successfully held a special online event titled “Afghanistan and Myanmar Now: Current Issues and Challenges” for Nagoya University Homecoming Day 2021 on October 16, 2021. Thank you very much for joining us!!
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Special Online Event for Homecoming Day 2021
It is our great pleasure to announce the Global Seminar on International Development by GSID Alumni Association (GSID×GSID) 2021. The title of the seminar is “Afghanistan and Myanmar Now: Current Issues and Challenges.” We look forward to your participation! [Registration] : [Flyer]* You can download the PDF version from here.
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Fall 2021: Congratulations on your graduation!
We would like to welcome new members to the GSID Alumni Association! We are very happy to share the excitement of your graduation day and very proud of you!! Thank you to those who donated. The following is a list of donors. BILLAH Maruf ENDO TadashiMON SreyleakRANA Muhammad Umer TSAI Pei-ShinJITSUTTHIPHAKORN UtumpornWIRYAWAN Bangkit Aditya We also received the following messages! “Let’s keep in touch!” “Looking forward to joining in GSID Alumni Association.”
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Call for Panelists (16 October 2021)
Dear members of GSID Alumni Association, Nagoya University At first, we would like to show our sympathy to our alumni in Afghanistan, Myanmar, and all who are suffering. GSID Alumni Association will call for panelists for the online seminar on Afghanistan and Myanmar for the Homecoming Day on 16 October 2021 (see below). We highly appreciate any alumni who are familiar with those countries and their issues and challenges. We also welcome the recommendations of relevant panelists. For the details, please email to our secretariat: We are looking forward to hearing from you. Stay safe and stay in touch. Best regards,Executive Board, GSID Alumni Association, Nagoya University GSID Alumni … Continue reading
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GSID-NUAL Grant Program 2021 / 助成事業の募集(2021年度)
GSID Alumni Association Grant Program Call for Application (AY2021) The Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University Alumni Association (here after GSID-NUAL) was established with the goal of linking the alumni and current students while building a network of the global professional GSID-NUAL. In this regard, we are committed to starting a “GSID-NUAL Grant Program” to support GSID students’ multidisciplinary research, social activities and alumni development activities by making use of the association donation collected from the members. Among the applications made, we will nominate a project (s). Please let us know at if you are interested in it. We will send you the application form. Application deadline is … Continue reading
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