
DFW2016 Fieldwork in Rural Area of Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

From Oct. 12 to 14, 2o16, three DFW2o16 working groups conducted fieldwork in Asahi area of Toyota City, Aichi … 続きを読む

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OFW2016 Fieldwork in Rizal, Laguna Province, The Philippines

From Sept.18 to Oct.2, 2016, we conducted OFW2016 fieldwork in Rizal, Laguna Province, The Philippines collabo … 続きを読む

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DFW2016: Why do young people have started to return to rural area in Japan?

July 20, 2016 In the last session of DFW2016 Preparatory Sessions, we were pleased to have Dr. Masao Takano fr … 続きを読む

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OFW2016: Risk Management Session

July 20, 2016 Time flies. Finally we were very pleased to invite Prof. Hoshino and Prof. Sakai as guest speake … 続きを読む

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OFW/DFW Joint Session: Research Method

July 13, 2016 In today’s seminar, we are pleased to invite two speakers to introduce survey method based … 続きを読む

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DFW2016 Pre-survey

July 8, 2016 By taking almost two hours train and bus, DFW2016 team visited Asuke-cho. And the team also condu … 続きを読む

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OFW Preparatory Session 14: International Migration and Gender

Today, we are very pleased to invite Prof. Chiho Ogaya to give us a lecture about overseas migration from the … 続きを読む

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OFW/DFW Joint Session: How to conduct a interview

As part of curriculum reform of OFW and DFW program, we introduced a couple of joint sessions about skills for … 続きを読む

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DFW Mid-term Presentation

June 22 DFW working groups had their mid-term presentation about progress of their research plan for their fie … 続きを読む

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Special lecture on Mayors’ Attributes and Performance of Local Governments in the Philippines: Does “Family” Matter?

June 23 Today, we inivited Prof. Kenichi Nishimura from Osaka University to give us a lecture about mayors&#82 … 続きを読む

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