GSID Alumni Meeting 2012/GSID同窓会総会

GSID alumni meeting and reunion party was held on 20th Oct. 2012, the day of Nagoya university home-coming day.  47 friends gathered again at GSID. We will attach some photos of the  reunion party after general meeting.

You can find a minutes of general meeting from here (in Japanese).




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GSID Photo exhibition at the World Bank Tokyo office

Dear Members,

GSID Photo Exhibition titled:

Photo Exhibition
Taste the World
-Beautiful Moments in Daily Life-

is going to start!

Date and Time:

6th June 2011 (mon) – 17th June 2011 (fri)



The World Bank, Tokyo Information Center

Please come and see our activities!

Photo exhibition “Taste of the World” Website

Detailed Information

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Photo Exhibition
Taste the World
-Beautiful Moments in Daily Life-
写真展「Taste the World」
主催:世界銀行PIC東京センター・名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科・Taste theWorld実行委員会




【Taste the Worldウェブサイト】


Taste the World トークセッション (世界銀行コーヒーアワー)
【Children’s “Taste the World”-世界のこどもたちからの「大好き!」-】




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Alumni in 20 years commemoration party of GSID

Thank you for your cooperation to the GSID Alumni Association activity.

There were 18 alumni members in 20 years commemoration party on 4th March last week.

Photo will be up-loaded soon.

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Additional information:Symposium for the 20th Anniversary of GSID Establishment

Dear GSID Alumni,

In addition to our email announcing the Symposium for the 20th Anniversary
of GSID Establishment, we would like to let you know the following
information about the party:

(1) Though the official party will be closed at 19:00, infformal
get-together for the GSID graduates, students, and professors will continue
until 21:00 at the same place.

(2) The party is free of charge for the GSID alumni members and students.

It might be difficult for many members to attend the symposium on Friday
afternoon, but we are looking forward to meeting you at the party and the
get-together after 19:00.

President of GSID Alumni
Kohei Miyagawa
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Additional information: GSID設立20周年記念行事






GSID同窓会会長 宮川公平(代筆・島田弦)
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Symposium for the 20th Anniversary of GSID Establishment><General Assembly for Asian Academic Network

Dear Alumni of the Graduate School of International Development (GSID)

<Symposium for the 20th Anniversary of GSID Establishment>

The Graduate School of International Development (GSID) was established in
1991 and the 20th anniversary falls on this year. To mark this occasion, a
symposium will be held with the presence of the founding dean, Professor
Eiji Ogawa, Professor Emeritus of Nagoya University, Professor Naoki Chujo,
among other distinguished guests. In addition, panel discussion by GSID
graduates will also be organized. Taking the opportunity of this 20th
anniversary, we are very pleased to invite all GSID alumni to come and visit
to GSID again.
After the symposium, there will be a get-together party for us to enjoy and
refresh our memories of old friendship during the student times. As the
event takes place on Friday, we understand that it may be difficult for some
of us to fix the schedule. However, attendance to the get-together party
alone is also greatly welcome (rather it is the main event for the alumni).

Detailed Schedule of the Symposium:

Date and Time: March 4, 2011 (Fri.), Starting from 13h00.
Venue: Nagoya University, Department of Economics, Lecture Room No. 2.
Party: 17h45-19h00 (with possibility of extension), at Southern Cafeteria.

For details of the symposium, please refer to the PDF link below.

<General Assembly for Asian Academic Network>

Since its establishment, the GSID has put emphasis on international research
and educational cooperation, especially with various leading universities
and research institutes in Asian region. As a result, in 2009, as a core
university, Nagoya University was able to launch a network called “Academic
Network for Development in Asia, ANDA”.
Following the 20th anniversary symposium, ANDA will hold its third
conference during March 5-7 at Nagoya University. In this conference, as
there will be a series of presentations on the current research situation in
Asia, you are very welcome to attend this event. For the details of ANDA,
please refer the URL below.

Last but not least, due to job offer and job transfer by some of our alumni
members; the office of GSID alumni cannot cover all contacts. For this
reason, we will be most grateful if you can pass this information to those
who cannot receive this mail. We look forwards to seeing you all on both the
20th anniversary symposium and ANDA conference.

President of GSID Alumni
Kohei Miyagawa
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国際開発研究科同窓会会員 各位







ジア学術ネットワーク」(Academic Network for Development in Asia, ANDA)を設立


GSID同窓会会長 宮川公平(代筆・島田弦)
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Announcement of Alumni Meeting

Invitation to GSID Alumni General Meeting (Oct. 16) and the 20th Anniversary
of GSID Establishment Event (March 4, 2011)

We hope that this mail finds all GSID alumni members in good health and
prosperity. This academic year is not only the year for our Alumni General
Meeting, but it is also the 20th Anniversary of the establishment of GSID.
To mark this anniversary, we are organizing two events.

We would greatly appreciate if you would attend both OR one of the events.

The minutes of the past GSID alumni general meeting has now been uploaded to
the GSID-Alumni Webpage. As this webpage is a blog-type one, you will be
able to use it to post your comments. If you have any information related to
Alumni members and wish to have it posted on the GSID alumni webpage, please
contact our site manager at .

GSID Alumni Webpage <> 

About the General Meeting

Together with Nagoya University’s Homecoming day, GSID Alumni General
Meeting will be held as below. Your participation is highly appreciated.

A small get-together party is scheduled after the general meeting.

As we need to know the exact number of the participants in order to arrange
the meeting place, we will appreciate if you could confirm your
participation/absence by email to the Alumni Office by Oct. 8 (Fri.).

Date and Time: Oct. 16, 2010 (Sat.), 16h00 - 17h30.

1. Activity report from previous General Meeting
2. Accounting Report
3. Admission of new member
4. New Board member
5. Membership fee (Possibility of lowering the membership fee) 6. Future
action policy (Newsletter, Career Seminar, Research Support to current
students, etc) 7. The Event of the 20th Anniversary of GSID.

Get-Together Party: 17h30 - 19h30

Venue: GSID, Nagoya University (The room for the event will be posted at the
main entrance to GSID). Get-Together Party: To be Announced (You will be
informed of the venue of the party once the number of participants has been

About the 20th Anniversary Event

The Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, will
reach its 20th Anniversary in 2011. To mark this anniversary, GSID will
organize the GSID 20th Anniversary on March 4, 2011. On this day, Prof.
Ogawa, GSID’s founding dean, will give a speech, which will be followed by
a panel discussion with GSID past deans and graduates.

We also plan to invite GSID professors to a Get-Together Party. As such, we
very much look forward to seeing many of you there. Details will be given in
due course.

If you have any inquiries, please contact the GSID Alumni Office.

GSID Alumni, President: Hiroko Okado
GSID Alumni Office:
Phone/Fax: (81) 52-789-4961 (Shimada Office)
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