Congratulations on your graduation!

Dear new graduates,

Congratulations on your graduation!

It is our great pleasure to welcome you as new members. We invite all graduates automatically and inclusively for ‘leave no one behind’. The GSID, Alumni Association, Nagoya University (GSID-NUAL) was established in 2000, cooperating with Nagoya University Alumni Association (NUAL) for our whole university. This association aims at mediating between the alumni and current students, networking of alumni and affiliated faculty members in the world for the development of our alma mater. It persuades t to contribute to peace and develop of the world in peace.

We wish your success of career and life! Please stay in touch and hope see you at our reunion in Nagoya and Tokyo, and/or somewhere in the world!

Yours sincerely,

20 March, 2019

President, Professor Masato Noda (1996 in Ph.D. course, DID).

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Congratulations on your graduation!

GSID Alumni Association is happy to welcome you all.

The following list shows those who contributed us on Graduation Day. We would like to express our best appreciation. Thank you so much for your support!

AMIRI Sayed Ali Asghar

GANBAT Uujimbayar

AFRIN Tanjila

IRAJ Mohammad Mahdi

ZAWAD Mohammad Farid

SIRAJ Shammi

PULE Melesungu

AMIR Semere Azazi


CHEB Hoeurn

JONAS Maria Da Graca Benedito


ODILOV Olimjon

LY Thierno



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Announcement of GSID-NUAL Grant Program 2018 Winner

Ms. RESUELLO Marjorie, a D1 student at GSID, is awarded the GSID-NUAL Grant 2018. 

The title of her program is as follows. 

Fieldwork for the PhD Dissertation Titled “Local Economic Development (LED) as Transformational Politics in the Philippines”

Congratulations, Marjorie-san!

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GSID-NUAL Grant Program – GSID同窓会助成事業

Dear GSID students and alumni,

The Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University Alumni Association (here after GSID-NUAL) was established with the goal of linking the alumni and current students while building a network of the global professional GSID-NUAL. In this regard, we are committed to starting a “GSID-NUAL Grant Program” to support GSID students’ multidisciplinary research ,social activities and alumni development activities by making use of the association fee collected from the members. Among the applications made, we will nominate a project (s).

Application deadline is October 14, 2018. Please contact for details.

We look forward to receiving many applications.

Sincerely yours,

GSID 学生、同窓生の皆様、




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Presentation by Winner of 2017 GSID Alumni Association Grant Program

We are pleased to have Dr. Ron Bridget Vilog, the winner of 2017 GSID Alumni Association Grant program to present his conference on July 7, 2018. There were many GSID alumni gathered at his conference on June 30, 2018 in Philippines. Congratulations on the great success!


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Alumni Gathering on July 7, 2018

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Announcement of GSID Gathering/GSID同窓会懇親会のご案内



(支店名): 今池支店
(店番): 263
(預金タイプ): 普通預金
(名前): GSID同窓会 島田 弦
(口座番号): 1662261

以下の参加申込みメールをGSID同窓会事務局( まで送って下さい:


Announcement of GSID Alumni Gathering

We would like to hold GSID Alumni Gathering as the schedule below.
Venue: Chez Jiroud, a restrant in Nagoya University
Date: Saturday, 7 July, 2018
Time: 6PM
Registration Deadline: 29 June, 2018, 4PM
Fee: 4,000 yen for general admission (3,500 yen if you bank-transfer it to the account below by Friday, 29 June.)
2,500 yen for student

Bank account: You may pay on site, but we would appreciate your bank-transfer to the account below in advance.
Bank Name: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Branch Name: Imaike
Branch Number: 263
Account Type: Ordinary Account
Name: GSID Alumni Association Yuduru SHIMADA (ジーエスアイデイードウソウカイ)
Account Number: 1662261

Registration: The deadline is 29 June, 4PM.
Please send an email including the information below to GSID Alumni Association Email address:
I would like to attend GSID Alumni Gathering on 7 July, 2018.
Year of admission:
Contact phone number:

Prof. NODA Masato, President, GSID Alumni Association

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Message from the President, Prof. Masato Noda

Dear alumni of GSID,

On coming 7 July 2018, Saturday, we will organize the General Assembly and Annual Party.

Please save the schedule and join it with your old friends.

As you may receive the email from the secretariat, this is the day of Open Campus 2018 and GSID Symposium to celebrate reborn GSID.…/Open%20Campus%20Poster%20e…

In Japanese culture, 7 July is the special day of ‘reunion’. Japanese celebrate ‘Tanabata’, the Star Festival. On the day, Alter and Vega enjoy reunion on the Milky way once a year.

Wish to see you there.

Yours sincerely,
Professor Masato Noda
President, GSID Alumni Association, Nagoya University (GSID-NUAL)

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Conference: International Development, Human Security and Well-Being

GSID-Nagoya University Alumni Association

In cooperation with

Holy Name University and NUAL – Philippines presents

International Development, Human Security and Well-Being

Holy Name University, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines

June 30, 2018

Free admission

Continue reading

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Open Campus & GSID Symposium / オープンキャンパス&GSIDシンポジウム

Greeting to GSID members,

Thank you for all your consistent support for GSID.
We are happy to make an announcement of Open Campus 2018 and GSID Symposium to celebrate reborn GSID.

It is scheduled on Saturday, July 7, 2018. Please read the PDF below and mark your calendar.

GSID Alumni Gathering is schedule after that. The details will follow.

Looking forward to seeing you all!



新生GSIDが始動しています。7月7日(土曜)記念シンポジウムが、 オープンキャンパスを兼ねて計画されています。



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