(English follows Japanese.)
The Alumni aims at mediating between the graduates and current students, and developing a network of the graduates, who are actively working throughout the world. We would like to ask those who are going to leave GSID for a new world to understand the aims of the Alumni and to become members. Your membership fee is utilized for the GSID alumni association grant (supporting social and research activities of GSID student) and the secretariat activities.
We will send the Alumni members list in July by email.
※名古屋大学・全学同窓会にも同時にご登録ください・Please join the Nagoya University Alumni Association, too. →https://web-honbu04.jimu.nagoya-u.ac.jp/nual/(2016年4月1日以降に登録できます。You can access from 1 April, 2016.)
※皆さんの名大IDは生涯有効です。今後も保管し、毎年、Followup@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp から更新依頼メールが届くので、情報更新をお願いいたします。Please keep your life-long NU ID and update your status as you receive update request from Followup@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp.
入会金:1500円(年会費はありません)/Membership fee: ¥1500 (annual membership fees are not necessary)
- 入会申込書を記入の上、修了式会場の入会受付に提出。次の国際開発研究科同窓会口座へ振込(入金確認後、正会員として登録します)
振込先:三菱東京UFJ銀行・今池支店 普通口座 1662261
口座名義人:GSID同窓会 代表 劉 靖
2. 以下の入会申込書を記入の上、GSID棟306室劉靖までにおいて入会金とともに提出(領収書をお渡しします)。2016年3月25日修了式会場の入会受付での入会も可能。
How to Apply:
1.Please fill out the application form and submit it to the reception at the graduating ceremony hall. Then, please make payment of membership fee through bank account (After the payment is confirmed, you will be registered as official member).
Bank Information:
Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank, Imaike Branch. (三菱東京UFJ銀行 今池支店)
Ordinary Bank Account: 1662261
Account Name: GSID Dosokai Daihyo Liu Jing (ジーエスアイデイードウソウカイ)
* Commission fee is not included.
2.Please fill out the following application form and then make membership fee payment as well as submitting the form to Jing Liu (Room 306, GSID Building) or at the reception at the graduating ceremony hall on March 25, 2016(Receipt will be provided there).