Welcome to Join DFW2016 Guidance on April 13, 2016 (16:30-18:00, Auditorium, GSID)

Welcome to join DFW2016!

For more details, please join  us in DFW2016 Guidance on April 13, 2016 (16:30-18:00, Auditorium, GSID)

ATTENTION: For further learning and preparing on the fieldwork methods at GSID, you are strongly recommended to take the following course:

– Course on Introduction to Questionnaire Survey and Interview by Prof. Robert Croker

See syllabuses: http://syllabus3.gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp/Syllabuses/show/2365

DFW2016 Orientation Poster

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Welcome to Join OFW2016 Guidance on April 13, 2016 (14:45-16:15, Auditorium, GSID)

Welcome to join OFW2016.

For more details, you are welcome to join OFW2016 Guidance on April 13, 2016 (14:45-16:15, Auditorium, GSID)

ATTENTION: For further learning and preparing on the fieldwork methods at GSID, you are strongly recommended to take the following course:

-Course on Introduction to Questionnaire Survey and Interview by Prof. Robert Croker

See syllabuses: http://syllabus3.gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp/Syllabuses/show/2365

OFW2016 Orientation Poster

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OFW2015 Report is ready!

We are delighted to announce the launch of OFW2015 Report.

Once again, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to our counterpart, UPLB, LGU of Municipality of Coron, Palawan Province, The Philippines and those who are involved in this program. Our special gratitute goes to Prof. Peddie Frank who continuously supported us in the preliminary seminar, proposal writing, fieldowrk and final native check.

OFW2015 Report

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DFW2015 Report is launched!

We are pleased to launch the DFW2015 Report. Once again, sincere gratitute goes to people involved in activities of DFW2015. Without your support and help, we cannot accomplish this program successfully!

DFW2015 Report


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Starting Preparation for DFW2016

On March 4, 2016, the DFW2016 Committee visited Toyota City to explore possibility to conduct DFW for two yeras in Toyota City. The final result will be announced in April.

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Starting Preparation for OFW2016 (Pre-survey, Jan.28-30, 2016)

During Jan.28-30, 2016, OFW2016 Committee members visited the Philippines to conduct pre-survey for OFW2016. With kind support and help from Dr. Aser at UPLB, we visited cities in Province of Laguna and Province of Cavite to explore possibilities for OFW2016. The final decision will be made soon. Special thanks go to Ms. Marjorie Resuello, Master student at the College of Public Affairs and Development, UPLB, who assisted us during our survey.

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Final DFW2015 Presentation in Odai Town (Jan.18, 2016)

Participants of DFW2015 visited Odai Town to share their survey findings with people involved in Odai Town on Jan.18, 2016. Three working groups made presentations in front of Vice major of Odai Town and people who supported their fieldwork in July and October, 2015. After the presentations, participants also received comments and questions from audiences. The successful presentations closed the curtain of DFW2015. The final report will be sent to Odai Town in the end of March, 2016.

Last but not the least, we would like to show our sincere gratitudes to people in Odai Town who took time and energy to support us to accomplish  DFW in the past two years. Without their continuous support, we could not make this program successful. We also look forward to collaboration with Odai Town in any possible field in the near future. May happiness and prosperity be with people in Odai Town!

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[Today] Submission Deadline for 1st Draft of OFW2015/DFW2015 Group Reports

Today is the submission deadline for 1st draft of OFW2015/DFW2015 group reports.

Look forward to reading the drafts.


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OFW2015 Final Presentation Session (Oct.28, 2015)

OFW2015 final presentation session was held at GSID on Oct.28, 2015. After one month preparation, four working groups made presentations about their reserach findings, conclusion and policy implications. The results of the presentations showed efforts paid by participants of each group.

One of the challenges for all participants is how to analyze the data they collected and make them into stories. After receiving comments and feedbacks from audiences and group advisors, we are sure they will submit very interesting reports by the end of November.

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DFW2015 Fieldwork (Odai Town, Mie Prefecture, Oct.21-23, 2015)


After a busy preparation, participants and advisors started their DFW fieldwork in Odai town, Mie Prefecture between Oct.21-23, 2015.

With the cooperation with Odai town, we are luckily to conduct our fieldwork in this beautiful place again. Topics of the fieldwork include value chain of wood products, users’ satisfaction with nursery schools and historical review of interaction between people and forest in Odai town.

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During the three day fieldwork, our participants got opportunities to closely talk with stakeholders involved in the topics and issues they concerned. It is also a great opportunity for us to further understand the current issues of rural and social development of Japan.


Our speical thankness goes to Odai town government and staffs. Without their coordination and support, we could not make this fieldwork come true. Last but not the least, we would like to show our sincere gratitude to our respondents who kindly offered their help for our survey. Now participants are working on their analysis and report writing. A final presentation session will be held in Odai Town in the end of this academic year.

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