OFW2016 Preparatory Seminar 5

June 1, 2016: Introduction to Philippine and Rizal

We were pleased to invite Dr. Aser Javier, visiting professor from University of Philippines Los Banos, to introduce Philippine and our destination Municipal of Rizal, Laguna Province. Dr. Aser used diverse data to let us understand the situation of the country and the city where our participants will visit in this September. Fieldwork always starts with knowledge and understanding of the field and its people.


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DFW2016 Preparatory Seminar 5

June 1, 2016: Japan’s Education Development

In today’s seminar, Prof. Liu at GSID introduced historical trajectory of Japan’s education development and current issues in education sector which Japanese society is facing to.

He also specifically introduced some critical issues and practices in Toyota City which were considered as concerns shared by each working group of DFW2016.



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DFW2016 Preparatory Seminar 4

May 25, 2016: Japan’s Eco-Model City: Toyota

Toyota, as a city which is famous for automobile industry, also has rich natural resource. How to balance urbanization, social development and environment protection is a focus of the city’s development strategy. Prof. Kiyoshi Fujikawa, introduced policy and practice of Toyota as Japan’s Eco-Model City in today’s lecture. How to balance urbanizaitoin with rural development seems like a big challenge for this city. Understanding the delimma and exploring solution will become a possible topic for the DFW groups.


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OFW2016 Preparatory Seminar 4

May 25, 2016: From Fieldwork Experiences in the Philippines

Today we were very pleased to have a Philippine specialist, Prof. Kusaka at GSID to give us a lecture on his experienece in fieldworks in the Philippines. Prof. Kusaka shared his experience and insight about how to behave in a fieldwork as a fieldworker. The experience and talk are very important and helpful for our participants. They may not be able to fully understand now. We wish they can experience and feel in Rizal City in the coming September.


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DFW2016 Preparatory Seminar 3

May 18, 2016: Japan’s Local Administration and Governance

Prof. Kusaka at GSID gave us a lecture about Japan’s local administraion and governance.

His talk was not limited to the descriptive introduction of the history change of politics and governance in Japan. Rather, it included critical analysis of the interaction among stakeholders, power relations change and challenges.



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OFW2016 Preparatory Seminar 3

May 18: Poverty in Rural Philippines

Today we are very pleased to have Prof. Jonna Estudillo from GRIPS to give us a lecture about poverty and poverty reduction in the Philippines. Prof. Estudillo introduced a clear definition and measures of poverty worldwide and in the Philippines. She also talked about strategies of poverty reduceion applied by the Philippine government in recet years.

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Group Lists of OFW2016 & DFW2016

Dear All,

Please find the following group lists of OFW2016 & DFW2016.

OFW2016: Group List

DFW2016: Group List

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May 11, DFW2016, Preparatory Seminar 2

May 11, 2016

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In the 2nd seminar of DFW2016, we invited Mr. Tatsuyoshi Suzuki, Director of Oiden Sanson Center, Toyota City, to give us a lecture about Center, their activities and situation of Toyota City. Mr. Suzuki introduced many projects promoted by the Center to establish a mechanism which can closely link people in urban and rural areas. The introduction provided us many hints and information for our participants to consider their interests and explore their topics and research questions. We look forward to meeting Mr. Suzuki again in June.

Our special appreciation goes to our TAs, Mr. Motomi Mizutani, Ms. Xuemei Li, and Mr. Shiva Ram Khadka. Without their hard work on the translation and interpretation, we could not make this seminar successful.


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May 11, OFW2016, Preparatory Seminar 2

May 1, 2016

We are pleased to have Prof. Mamoru Tsuda from Nagoya University of Foreign Studies to take us into brain storm of understanding “The Philippines on the Globe and the Globalized Filippinos”. Prof. Tsuda taught us a way of thinking of issues in the Philipines through diverse and comparative perspetives. He also provided us many hints regarding topics of each team.

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Schedules of Fieldwork Programs (OFW/DFW) 2016

OFW2016 Schedule: OFW2016 Overall Schedule

DFW2016 Schedule:DFW2016 Overall Schedule

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