DFW2014 Preparatory Lecture 5

June 13, 2014

It has been five years since I took lecture by Prof. Yoshiaki Nishikawa last time in 2009. Time flies, but his lecture is as interesting as usual…

Today, as one part of DFW2014 Preparatory lectures, Prof. Yoshiaki Nishikawa, from Ryukoku University, gave us an interesting lecture which introduced alternative approaches to rural / community development and endogenous development perspective in Japan.

A couple of quesitons raised by Prof. Nishikawa led us to reconsider the real meaning of development for ourselves, our daily life, our rural communities…how can different actors be involved in a sustainable agriculture or rural development??? Let’s explore the answers through DFW2014.

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OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar 4

June 11, 2014

We invited Prof. Satoru Kobayashi to give us a lecture about rural livelihoods in Cambodia.

He raised a coulple of key questions which are meaningful and helpful for our participants to design their research.

Key quesitons:

1. What kinds of opportunity are emerging, how people approach them and how people adjust their livelihood?

2. What are the possibility and constraints do the present technology and institutions have for further development?

3. What are the crucial mechanism to cope with uncertainty and to sustain rural livelihood?

4. Is rural livelihood simplified or diversified through development and what is the role of diversity in livelihood system?


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DFW2014 Japan’s Agriculture Exploration!

June 8, 2014, a group of “Urban girls and boys” with Prof. Nishikawa and Prof. Shimada (with his son) visited Seto City to experience rice planting and eggplant spriging. We enjoyed and learned a lot! Look forward to the harvest in October!

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OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar 3

June 4, 2014

Today, Prof. Takayo Ogisu provided us an interesting lecture about overview of education in Cambodia. She shared her own research on education in Cambodia. A key word “Flexibility” in the fieldwork is highly emphasized by Prof. Ogisu. It told our students that there is always a gap between the research plan and the reality in the field. To be flexible based on a well prepared research plan is a smart way to conduct fielwork!



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OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar 2

May 28, 2014

Prof. Heng Naret, from Royal University of Phnom Pheh, gave us a lecture about the situation of Kampong Speu Province, Camboida, which is the destination where we are going to conduct fieldwork. The information, including socio-economic sectors, was introduced in details. These information is important for our participants to know, to consider and to understand.


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DFW2014 will be conducted in Odai town, Mie Prefecture during Sep.24-26, 2014.

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About OFW2014

OFW2014 will be conducted from Aug.17-30, in Kampong Speu Province of Cambodia.

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OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar 1

May 21, 2014

As the 1st lecture of OFW Preparatory Seminar in 2014, Prof. Ngov Penghuy provided a lecture about Cambodia Economy. As a emerging economic power in ASEAN region, Cambodia is keeping a rapid growth in her economy in recent years. Prof. Penghuy gave us an historical review about the economic development, including its yesterday, today and tomorrow.

It is the last lecture that Prof. Penghuy served as faculty member of GSID. Thanks so much for his hard work and contribution to this program. Look forward to seeing you soon in Cambodia!


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