OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar 9: Research Proposal Presentations

July 16, 2014

Thanks to all participants’ hard works, each group shared their tentative research proposals in today’s preparatory seminar. Congratulations to all on your progress in the research proposal making! Good jobs!

Meanwhile, there are still many issues and points that each group should pay attention to further improve and revise.

Look forward to your finalized research proposals in two weeks!

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DFW 2014 Preparatory Lecture 8

July 11, 2014

Ethnical issues for development fieldwork is considered as one of the most important matters that we researchers have to keep in mind. Prof. Nishikawa introduced the basic concepts and principles for conducting fieldwork through a case study of Master student’s experience in fielwork.

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“You are welcome to conduct fieldwork.” is the basic idea for us to rember. However, under such pre-condition, how can we deal with our interviees? how can be establish trust with our interviees? how should we ask questions?… Our students need to consider and practice in their fieldwork. DFW is just the platform for them to practice and learn.

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OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar 8

July 9, 2014

NGOs have become one of the most important stakeholders in rural development of the developing world. However, there are many cases showed what NGOs did in the rural areas did not fit for local political relationship and even broke the trust between local residence and NGOs…

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Ms. Sayaka Akiho, docotral student from University of Tsukuba, provided us an lecture about the issues mentioned above. The lectures started with a case study on agriculture technology assemination by NGO in rural areas of Takaev Province, Camboida. Then, Ms. Akiho introduced the process of the NGO project and analyzed the problem of the understanding of participation between local context and NGO’s approach. The contradictions embedded in development processes, between the conceptual forms based on western “participation” idea and actual implementation is constrained by local cutlure. he session was closed by Q & A between Ms. Akiho and participants of OFW.

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DFW2014 Interim Presentation

July 4, 2014

In Interim Presentation of DFW2014, each group introduced their research topic and tentative research design. WG1 showed their interests in the role of education in promoting sustainability in Odai town. WG2 wanted to identify the impact of tea industry on Odai town and their challenges. WG3 focused on the abandoned forests and how forest-related organizations in Odai town are involved in dealing with problems of abondoned forests.

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After each presentation, group supervisors and participants of other WGs raised questions and provided comments on each research design. We wish these helped our participants to have clearer ideas regarding their research topics and focuses. The final presentation on research plan will be held on July 25.

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OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar 7

July 2, 2014

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Farmer Water User Community (FWUC) has become an important association for farmers to ensure a sustainable resources for a well managed irrigation systems and farming. Dr. Naret, as a specialist in community development of Cambodia, provided us an interesting lecture on  FWUC. Besides introducing the history and legal system for irrigation development, he also shared the knowledge of problems and challengaes of FWUC in Cambodia. Dr. Naret finally raised many issues that our Working Group 4 can take into consideration.

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Group Discussions for OFW 2014/DFW2014

June 30 2014

Besides weekly preparatory lectures for OFW and DFW, participants for these two programs also got together for group discussions. Photos below show these group discussions. It is good opportunity for participants to show their own ideas, share with group members and try to figure out the common interests and design their research.

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DFW 2014 Preparatory Lecture 7

June 27, 2014


In the 7th DFW2014 Preparatory Seminar, Prof. Nishikawa introduced some basic concepts about rurual/community development with special focus on multi-functions and non-economics values of agriculture. By introducing history of Japan’s agriculture and rural/community development, his talk also gave focus on the utilization of local resources of agriculture and environment for rural/community development. He left a question for us to consider the vaule of low-external input agriculture for various stakholders at different levels and in different sides.

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OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar 6

June 25, 2014

As the 6th Prepartatory Seminar for OFW2014, we were pleased to invite Prof. Teilee Kuong from Center for Asian Leagal Exchange (CALE) of Nagoya University to introduce contemporary history and adminstration system of Cambodia. In the lecture, participants not only listened to Prof. Teilee’s talk but also joined the discussion to share their own understanding of similarities and differences of administration system in different countries. This lecture reminds us to consider the reform or change of administration system within the various historical changes.

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DFW 2014 Preparatory Lecture 6

June 20, 2014

In recent years, the terms, such as depopulation, aging society and financial difficulty of local govenrment have been widely heard through various media. They are becoming common social issues in Japan and other countries. Today, Ms. Satoru Nishide, from Odai town office, Mie Prefecture provided us an interesting introduction of the real situation of Odai town through various perspectives. He drew a big picture for us to consider how to make a sustianable development in the rural areas of Japan. Also, he left us some hints for us to make our research plan. Thank you very much for Mr. Nishide’s interesting presentation and helpful answers to our questions. Look forward to seeing you in Odai Town in September.

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OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar 5

June 18, 2014

As a continue of last week’s lecture,  Prof. Kobayashi introduced the unique features of village society and culture in Cambodia. In this lecture, he provided detailed explanations about village lives, basic social units (family/household, village and temple), and historical dynamics of the reconstruction of village society. The lecture linked people with culture, religion and history. It also showed the change (development) of the rural areas with globalization and marketization. It also helped us to consider how we can conduct fieldwork in the rural areas of Cambodia.

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