Pre-Survey for DFW2015

The new committee of Domestic Fieldwork (DFW), including Prof. Koichi Usami, Prof. Yukiko Nishikawa, Prof. Junko Yamashita and Prof. Jing Liu, conducted a pre-survey for the DFW 2015 program in Odai Town, Mie Prefecture. The purpose of the surevy is to explore the possibility to conduct the fieldwork of DFW2015 in this town again after the fieldwork of DFW2014 in Odai Town during Sept.24-26, 2014.

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Presentation by OFW2014 Working Group 3 in CESHK2015

Working Group3 of OFW2014 took part in annual meeting of Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong and presented theri fieldwork result in graduate student session in CESHK2015 on Feb.6. Well done WG3! Congratulations on your successful presentation!


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Pre-Survey for OFW2015

The new Overseas Fieldwork (OFW) Committee, including Prof. Naoko Shinkai, Prof. Izamu Okada, Prof. Yoshigasu Oshima and Prof. Jing Liu, conducted a pre-survey for OFW2015 in the Philippines during Jan.28-Feb.1, 2015. The purpose of the survey is to visit the candidate destination for the fieldwork of OFW2015 Team in 2015.

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DFW2014 Final Presentation (Nov.20, 2014)

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After almost two month preparation, DFW2014 hold the final presentation session in Odai Town on Nov.20, 2014. Many interviewees who kindly took part in the survey in September also joined this session and offered their questions and comments on our presentations.

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WG1: Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Odai Town

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WG2: The Economic Sustainability in Tea Industry: The Case of Odai Town

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WG3: 放置林をめぐる議論とその実態の比較 -大台町のケースを通して-

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From now on, each group will focus on their report writing based their findings and comments received from today’s final presentation. The final report will published in March, 2015.

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OFW2014 Final Presentations (Oct.29, 2014)


The season of Fall always comes with harvest. On Oct.29, 2014, OFW2014 team also welcomed their harvest: the final presentations. After endless discussion and meetings, four groups made presentations to show their findings and conclusion regarding their fieldwork in Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia in August, 2014.

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Presenters also received some questions and comments from audience.

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From now on, four teams will focus on their group report writing. The final report will be published in March 2015.

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OFW2014 Final Presentations on Oct.29, 2014

Dear All,

OFW2014 Final Presentations will be made on Oct.29, 2014. Everyone is warmly welcome!

Date & Time: 16:30-18:00, Oct.29, 2014
Venue: Auditorium, GSID 8F


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DFW2014 Fieldwork (September 24-26, 2014)

Blowing with the autumn wind and rain, a group of GSID students started their DFW2104 Fieldwork from September 24 to September 26 in Odai Town, Mie Prefecture, Japan.

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Within three day fieldwork, three working groups (WG1: ESD; WG2: Tea Industry; WG3: Forest Management) visited town office, schools, tea farmers, shops, forest association, NPOs to collect data they needed. Meanwhile, it was precious opportunity for our participants to explore and undestand the current situation of rural Japan. It is a good practice for them to experience the difficulties in conducting fieldworks, particularly in Japan.

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WG2: Tea Industry

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WG3: Forest Management

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From now on, each group is going to focus on data analysis. In mid November, they will revisit Odai Town and make presentations on their findings and exchange ideas with local informants.


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OFW2014 Fieldwork (August 17-31, 2014)

After a safe landing at Chubu Centrair International Airport, team of OFW2014 successfully completed their fieldwork in Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia!

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During the two week exploration, four working groups collaborating with advisors and research assistants from RUPP overcame various difficulties in the fieldwork and successfully collected data which they expected. More importantly, participants got opportunities to deepen their understanding of developing countries, to strengthen their team work spirit, to further practice skills for fieldwork and to establish new network for their future live and career! The followings photos show a review of OFW2014 in Cambodia! Last but not the least, our sincere gratitudes go to team from RUPP, related stakeholders in Kampong Speu Province and all who supported us for OFW2014!

From now on, each working group will focus data analysis and report writing. The final presentations about their final research findings will be made on Oct.29, 2014! Everyone is welcome!

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DFW2014 Preparatory Lecture 9

July 25, 2014

The final presentations about research plan for DFW2o14 was held in this afternoon. Each group made presentation to show their research intersts, research questions, research methodologies and research schedules. After the presentations, group advisors and students raised various questions and provided constructive comments and suggestions for further revision. These presentations showed that there were still many information which our participants need to know and understand before they conduct the real fieldwork. Good luck to each group for the final preparation during summer break.

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OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar 10: Ethics in Fieldwork

July 23, 2014

The last session of OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar was provided by Prof. Wataru Kusaka from GSID. In his lecture, Prof. Kusaka briefly introduced the relationship bewteen researchers and informants and the points needed attention for a sucessful fieldwork in the stages including Pre-departure, In the field and After research. Then, Prof. Kusaka shared his experiences as a master student in the fieldwork conducted in urban poor community in Metro Manila, Philippines from 2002 to 2003. Photos and descriptions about his “participatory observation” showed the exciting perspectives, difficulties and challenges for students and researchers in the fieldwork. Finally, each group shared their understanding about ethinic issues which they may need to pay attention during the fieldwork.

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Also, in this session, we showed our appreciation to Dr. Naret from RUPP for his continuous support and instruction for this year’s OFW Preparatory Seminars. We look forward to seeing him again in the forthcoming fieldwork in August.


The preparatory seminars for OFW2014 was closed by distributing souvenir fees for each working group. Participants were happy to receive the fund for them to select souvenirs for their informants. Meanwhile, it also means that the real fieldwork is going to start soon.

Wish every group a safe and fruitful fieldwork!


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