
Thank you for joining OFW2015 & DFW2015 Orientation!

On April 10, 2015, about 53 students joined the orientations of OFW2015 and DFW2015. Thank you very much for y … 続きを読む

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Announcement: To those who have time conflict with the schedulded orientations on OFW2015 and DFW2015, please feel free to come to Room306 bewteen 16:30-18:30, April 10, 2015

Announcement: To those who have time conflict with the schedulded orientations on OFW2015 and DFW2015, please … 続きを読む

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Guidance on DFW2015 (14:15-15:15, April 10, 2014; Auditorium, 8F GSID Building)

Dear All, We are pleased to announce that a guidance on DFW2015 will be held on April 10,2015. Please find the … 続きを読む

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Guidance on OFW2015 (13:00-14:00, April 10, 2014; Auditorium, 8F GSID Building)

Dear All, We are pleased to announce that a guidance on OFW2015 will be held on April 10, 2015. Please find th … 続きを読む

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OFW Working Groups making presentations in Campus ASEAN Student Forum, March 20, 2015

OFW2014 Workings groups made their final presentations in Campus ASEAN Student Forum on March 20, 2015. In the … 続きを読む

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Pre-Survey for DFW2015

The new committee of Domestic Fieldwork (DFW), including Prof. Koichi Usami, Prof. Yukiko Nishikawa, Prof. Jun … 続きを読む

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Presentation by OFW2014 Working Group 3 in CESHK2015

Working Group3 of OFW2014 took part in annual meeting of Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong and presen … 続きを読む

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Pre-Survey for OFW2015

The new Overseas Fieldwork (OFW) Committee, including Prof. Naoko Shinkai, Prof. Izamu Okada, Prof. Yoshigasu … 続きを読む

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DFW2014 Final Presentation (Nov.20, 2014)

  After almost two month preparation, DFW2014 hold the final presentation session in Odai Town on Nov.20, 2014 … 続きを読む

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OFW2014 Final Presentations (Oct.29, 2014)

The season of Fall always comes with harvest. On Oct.29, 2014, OFW2014 team also welcomed their harvest: the f … 続きを読む

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