OFW 2024 was conducted in Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia, from September 15 to 29, 2024, under the cooperation of The Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) as the host university. 17 students were divided into three working groups: Agriculture, Governance, and Education.
We visited a mangrove forest on the weekend. Each student planted a baby mangrove! All the students had a great time in Cambodia!
With the support of Prof. Choen Kimseng and the RUPP team, all the groups’ fieldwork was carried out very fruitfully. Thank you very much. We also want to express our sincere gratitude to all local stakeholders who participated in our interview.
The hotel was beside the river Mekon, and we enjoyed the beautiful view every day. We also visited Bamboo resort and Pagoda in the province as sightseeing on the weekends. We held preliminary research findings presentations in Kampong Cham and RUPP in the last two days and received many comments and questions. Based on the inputs, students will work on preparing the final presentation in GSID and also report writing. Let’s do our best!
2024年9月15〜29日、王立プノンペン大学(RUPP)の受け入れの下、OFW2024がカンボジア国コンポンチャム州で実施されました。今年度は13名の学生が農業・行政・教育の3グループに分かれて、それぞれの調査テーマ・調査計画に基づいて現地調査を実施しました。現地コーディネーターのChoeun Kimseng先生をはじめとするRUPPの皆さんのご協力により、どのグループも大変充実した現地調査となりました。また、インタビューにご協力くださった現地関係者の皆様に厚く御礼を申し上げます。