DFW2017 is calling for applications (Application Deadline: April 21, 2017, 12:00pm)

Dear all,

We are pleased to call for application for Domestic Feildwork Program (DFW) of 2017.

Overall schedule

English:DFW2017 Overall Schedule


Please download the application form below and submit your application by 12:00pm, April 21, 2017 to mailbox of Assistant Prof. Jing Liu on 1st Floor of GSID building.

Application form (Word File): 2017_DFW_Application form

Application form (PDF File): 2017_DFW_Application form

For further inquiries, please feel free to contact Jing Liu at R306, GSID or send email to liujing@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp

Look forward to your applications!

DFW2017 Commitee

April 12, 2017

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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