OFW/DFW Joint Session: How to conduct a interview

As part of curriculum reform of OFW and DFW program, we introduced a couple of joint sessions about skills for fieldwork survey since last year. We tried to enrich contents and activities of preparatory sessions of OFW2015 and DFW2015.

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In the session of June 29, Prof. Akiko Ueda organized a special session about how to conduct interview for participants of both OFW and DFW program. The session included lecture, group work, demonstration and feedback. With 3 hours lecture, participants learnd basic concept, skills and know-how about how to conduct interivew. This session helped our participants to understand the difficulties of conducting interviews.

Our thankness goes to TAs of both program and Prof. Isamu Okada, Prof. Aser Javier, Prof. Wataru Kusaka and Prof. Yuki Shimazu.

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カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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