OFW & DFW Joint Sessions

We were very pleased to have two joint sessions for both OFW and DFW this week.

June 20  Research Ethics

Prof. Yoshiaki Nishikawa gave us his 2nd lecture about survey ethics for participants of both OFW and DFW.  Prof. Nishikawa provided his lecture by utilizing fieldwork experience of himself and his student to explain ethical issues in the fieldworks. The lecture was very helpful for both OFW, DFW and individual works of our participants in the future. It also raised many questions for researchers attending the lecture.

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June 22 Research Proposal

Prof. Frank Peddie, as a super supporter of OFW program since last year, provided us a lecture about how to prepare and write a research proposal. Based on his exmperience of last two years’ OFW and DFW, Prof. Peddie introduced skills of writing research proposal as a team. The lecture is also uesful for our participants who are supposed to conduct their own individual works next year.

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