DFW2016 Preparatory Seminar 6

June 8, 2016: Rural/Community Development in Japan as An Alternative Development Approach

“Welcome back to GSID! And thank you very much for your interesting and informative lecture!” This is a meesage we would like to send to Prof. Yoshiaki Nishikawa who kindly offered a lecture for DFW2016 yesterday.

Prof. Nishikawa is a former faculty member of GSID. Currently, he is teaching at Graduate School of Economics, Ryukoku University. As a speicalist in agriculture and rural development, Prof. Nishikawa provided us a unique and comparative perspective of agriculture and rural development in the beginning of the lecture. Then, he introduced history of Japan’s agriculture and uniqueness of agriculture in Japan. The lecture became more interactive with hot discussion as Prof. Nishikawa shifted his talk to current practices in Japan’s agricultural modernization. He vividly presented the importance of “locality” and diversity in agriculture and rural development. We hope our participants can be inspired by this lecture and consider more deeply for their study in Toyota this year.



カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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