2nd Round Call for Application: OFW2016

Dear M1 students,


Good morning. This is Jing Liu, Assistant Professor in charge of OFW2016.

As we have a few vacancy for new applicants, we the OFW Committee 2016 is now opening for the second round application.


Those who wish to participate in OFW 2016 in the Municipality of Rizal, the Philippines, and who haven’t applied before, please submit the application form for the 2nd round by May 6 (Friday), 2016.

Please submit the application form via e-mail to Prof. Jing Liu (liujing@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp).

Word: OFW2016applicationform 2nd

PDF: OFW2016applicationform 2nd

The selection result for this 2nd round will be announced at 14:00, May 10, at the door of Prof. Jing Liu’s office (306).


*There are important cautions. Please read carefully.

Caution 1: This 2nd round application does not affect the already selected participants.

Caution 2: The OFW Committee will decide the allocation of Working Groups.

Caution 3: If you are approved to participate in OFW 2016, you should attend preparatory seminar from May 11, 14:45-16:15.

Caution 4: If you are approved to participate, the class registration will be done by the OFW Committee. This is the exceptional case and you cannot change other class registration because of this.


Thank you very much for your interests in OFW2016 and we are looking forward to your applications and participation!

For any inquiry, please feel free to contact me.


With best regards,

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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