DFW2015 Fieldwork (Odai Town, Mie Prefecture, Oct.21-23, 2015)


After a busy preparation, participants and advisors started their DFW fieldwork in Odai town, Mie Prefecture between Oct.21-23, 2015.

With the cooperation with Odai town, we are luckily to conduct our fieldwork in this beautiful place again. Topics of the fieldwork include value chain of wood products, users’ satisfaction with nursery schools and historical review of interaction between people and forest in Odai town.

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During the three day fieldwork, our participants got opportunities to closely talk with stakeholders involved in the topics and issues they concerned. It is also a great opportunity for us to further understand the current issues of rural and social development of Japan.


Our speical thankness goes to Odai town government and staffs. Without their coordination and support, we could not make this fieldwork come true. Last but not the least, we would like to show our sincere gratitude to our respondents who kindly offered their help for our survey. Now participants are working on their analysis and report writing. A final presentation session will be held in Odai Town in the end of this academic year.

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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