OFW2015 Fieldwork in Coron, Palawan, the Philippines (Sept.12-27, 2015)

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With a safe landing at the Central Japan International Airport on September 27, 2015, 25 participants and faculty members complished the OFW2015 fieldwork in Coron, Palawan Province, the Philippines and came back to Nagoya.

The OFW2015 fieldwork was conducted in Coron from September 13 to September 25, with collaboration from College of Public Affairs and Development, University of the Philippines, Los Banos. During the fieldwork, participants were divided into four groups and conducted their group works on specific topics, including economic development and tourism, governance and tourism, environmental education and tourism and the coexistence of culture and tourism.

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As the first fieldwork in a foreign country, our participants were a little bit nervous at the beginning. But soon they got used to the flow and did finish their fieldwork with big success. By spending hours and hours for discussion about reserach plans and interview questions by groups before and during the fieldwork, our participants worked quite hard and reached their objectives and goals in the end of the fieldwork. As part of education program at GSID, we believe this experience will definitely benefit their understanding of the developing world and globle issues, future study and master thesis writing.

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The accomplishment of OFW2015 fieldwork is due to a large numebr of generous people. Our speical gratitude goes to UPLB team. Without their continous and generous support and help from the every beginning, we could not make it happen with success. Also, we would like to show our sincere appreciation to LGU of Coron, people of Coron involved in our fieldwork. Look forward to the forthcoming final presentation and report of OFW2015. Also, we really appreciate our students’ cooperation and team spirits. We are so proud of them for their great achievemnet in this year lasting program!

Look forward to the forthcoming final presentation and report of OFW2015.

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カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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