OFW2015 Preliminary Seminar 8: Research Proposal Writing

After the 1st stage of preliminary seminars on introduction to the Philippines, we entered into the 2nd stage of this year’s OFW preliminary seminar. It started with lectures on how to write research proposal by Prof. Peddie, Mr. Takahiro Kiyohara and Ms. BALCITA Glo Ann Nazareno.

Prof. Peddie provided us a comprehensive lecture about how to write research proposal. Besides introducing the basic structure of a proposal, he also used examples to give detailed explanation of the important components of a research proposal.

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As a new part of OFW preliminary seminars, we also invited Mr. Kiyohara and Ms. Glo to share their experiences in OFW last year. I believe their experiences are quite helpful for our participants to prepare their own fieldwork in Coron.

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From today, there is almost a month for our participants to prepare for their proposals.

Look forward to their presentation ! Good luck!


カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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