OFW2014 Preparatory Seminar 8

July 9, 2014

NGOs have become one of the most important stakeholders in rural development of the developing world. However, there are many cases showed what NGOs did in the rural areas did not fit for local political relationship and even broke the trust between local residence and NGOs…

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Ms. Sayaka Akiho, docotral student from University of Tsukuba, provided us an lecture about the issues mentioned above. The lectures started with a case study on agriculture technology assemination by NGO in rural areas of Takaev Province, Camboida. Then, Ms. Akiho introduced the process of the NGO project and analyzed the problem of the understanding of participation between local context and NGO’s approach. The contradictions embedded in development processes, between the conceptual forms based on western “participation” idea and actual implementation is constrained by local cutlure. he session was closed by Q & A between Ms. Akiho and participants of OFW.

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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